Discover our Lean training courses

On this page you will find a selection of our training offerings. Our Lean courses can also be provided in-company. Feel free to call us if you would like to discuss your training needs. We are happy to think along with you!

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Group 2 2025/Lean Green Belt
Group 2 2025/Lean Black Belt
Group 3 2025 / Lean Black Belt
Interested in in-company training? 

Our director René is happy to think with you without any obligation. Feel free to call him!

Calling Rene
"Wonderful opportunity to dive deep into the lean way of thinking and working! The principles are really deepened with exercises and simulations and applied under the expert guidance of someone with a lot of practical experience. Not only in traditional production environments but also in for example (financial) services. Top training!"

Jonny Mooi

Head of Logistics Center Eemspoort at UMCG University Medical Center Groningen

"The trainer took time for everything. There was more than enough room for discussion and reflection on your own work environment. After a theoretical explanation of a concept, we went straight to work with it using a simulation game. This brought the theory to life and gave me many more "Aha" moments. I can recommend this course to everyone. Even if you don't work in a production environment."

Sabrina Bunt

Continuous improvement manager at Thales

"A training that everyone should take! Enthusiastic trainers with vast experience who can translate the material into everyday examples. Fine setting and communication."

Maxime de Lange

Site Manager at ISS Nederland

"A deepening of the Green Belt that I have also already had the opportunity to obtain through LMI. Fascinating and inspiring training days, where the trainer connects the material to practice and is able to translate this to various sectors. This allowed us to make a good translation to our Gemba! Also had a tremendously fun group :)."

Stephanie Zaari

Lean coach at Shoeby

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