A mechanism for visual in-control for performing audits within a process. A kamishibai board makes normal and abnormal conditions clear and quickly identifiable. In addition, it serves to focus management's attention on the gemba.
The kamishibai board makes the Lean-concept genchi genbutsu - or "go and see" what is really going on - part of management's standardized work. Leaders can read on it when to visit a process and what to audit. The board shows whether or not the necessary audits have taken place, along with the results of those audits and, where appropriate, notes on anomalies and countermeasures. The goal is to take immediate action as soon as something anomalous is detected.
A triangle next to an activity on the board usually means that a deviation has been signaled and rectified. A cross means that adjustments are needed to rectify an identified deviation from standard. A circle indicates that the correct quality and quantity were produced and the correct standardized work was performed. An empty frame means that no team support has taken place.